Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Wine & Cheese Pairing with Max McCalman

Weeks back, I took part in a wine and cheese tasting with Max McCalman, a pioneer of the cheese industry. Max is an world-renowned expert on cheese, educator, James Beard award-winning author, Maître Fromager, and someone that greatly inspires me.

A diverse cheese flight of varying milks and textures were served: Humboldt Fog, Cacique Queso Fresco, Le Chatelain Brie, Bellwether Farms' San Andreas, Taleggio, American Grana, Scharfe Maxx, and Pt. Reyes' Bay Blue. Four wines; two whites (Josh Cellars 2013 Sauvignon Blanc, Clos Pegase 2013 Chardonnay), and two reds (Laetitia Vineyards 2013 Pinot Noir, J.Lohr Hilltop 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon) accompanied these cheeses. We sampled each wine with the flight of cheeses,  rather than strictly pairing a particular wine with a specific cheese. This encouraged exploration, uncovering striking and even unpleasant pairing combinations. That's how we learn, right?

I discovered that the Sauvignon Blanc paired nicely with the Let Chatelain Brie, helping breakdown the butteryness. My favorite pairing was the Humboldt Fog with the Sauvignon Blanc, the crisp wine made a beautiful partner with the clean and tangy qualities of the cheese.

The wine and cheese pairing was enjoyable and educational. Here are a few of the many things that I learned from the tasting:

-When pairing, Max suggests starting with the wine first, so you can get the flavors, as cheese is a stronger partner.

-Find the appropriate temperature with the wines.

-Water keeps the palate neutral, lifting off acids and aroma off the palate.

-Crackers work like  a swab, picking up flavors off the tongue.

-Pair the inside of the cheese, or paste. The rinds can clash with wines.

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